Saturday, May 16, 2020

Impact of the Bourgeoisie on Exploration During the Age...

Impact of the Bourgeoisie on Exploration During the Age of Discovery Thesis: Most people believe that The Age of Discovery was the product of a handful of adventurous explorers. They were an important part of this Age, but theirs was not the main motivation. I believe however, that the Bourgeoisie provided the impetus of this Age. The Bourgeoisie, a social class most distinct from the rest, remains one of the most influential economic leaders throughout Europe during the Age of Discovery. Exploration and newfound wealth drove this class into being so powerful that their presence threatened the Aristocracy and social strata. Let it be known that the drive behind the bourgeoisie was not centered as much on religion as it was on†¦show more content†¦Records describe the self-made man society, the Bourgeoisie along with Nobility and the Proletariat. The ancient Bourgeoisie made up the middle section of merchants who carried on commerce. The presence of the Bourgeoisie is shown by the law code of the Babylonian king, Hammurabi (2067-2925 BC), which has numerous provisions dealing with merchants and the carrying on of commerce (Palm, 8). Egypt prospered and had a really energetic Bourgeoisie. Thebes became the main metropolis; the main center for trade. Phoenicia rather than Egypt became the top Bourgeoisie State of the ancient world. The citizens demonstrated progress in domestic manufacturing, ship construction, foreign colonization, and general commerce. Exchanging and receiving products of the East and West, they visited most parts of the world. Increased competition arose by Greece, Arabia, Lyons, and Asia Minor, not to mention Babylon and Mesopotamia. Phoenicia still tried to keep her status; for the Phoenicians had great knowledge of navigation and geography. The Greeks tried to destroy Phoenicia’s control, acquiring commercial and industrial interests that quickly changed as trade with foreign lands rapidly expanded. The business classes were now obtaining great wealth. The Bourgeoisie business class sometimes became so powerful that occasionally revolted against the Aristocracy within their own city-states. To please the Bourgeoisie, the Aristocracy would arrange a new classification of theShow MoreRelatedHistory of Globallization5628 Words   |  23 Pagesera covers the twenty-first century (to date) and bears witness to the explosion of information technology. This explosion enables an international community to participate in a globalized economy, and it challenges participants to deal with the impacts of glo bal compression. It was not until this third era that technology shattered the remaining barriers to globalization so that international business could flourish. 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